
Сообщения за апрель, 2020

Дистанционное обучение. Часть 2

        А мы продолжаем радовать наших 5-ти классников новыми видео для самообучения. Наглядное преподнесение материала несомненно послужит его более глубокому усвоению и принесет много удовольствия.

Дистанционное обучение. Часть 1

    В помощь ребятам, которые самообучаются на дому в связи с нынешней эпидемиологической обстановкой, педагогами нашей кафедры были разработаны видеоуроки.  Надеемся, что учащимся пятых классов наши уроки помогут в усвоении материала с пользой и удовольствием.

100 ideas to start a school year

100 ideas to start a school year 1. Opening-day letter. Write a letter to your students. In that letter, introduce yourself to students. Tell them about your hopes for the new school year and some of the fun things you'll be doing in class. In addition, tell students a few personal things about yourself; for example, your likes and dislikes, what you did over the summer, and your hobbies. Ask questions throughout the letter. You might ask what they like most about school, what they did during the summer, what their goals for the new school year are, or what they are really good at. (In your letter, be sure to model the correct parts of a friendly letter!) On the first day of school, display your letter on an overhead projector. Then pass each student a sheet of nice stationery. Have the students write a return letter to you. In this letter, they will need to answer some of your questions and tell you about themselves. This is a great way to get to know each other in a pe